May 20, 2023
My Name is Lisbet Chino,
This is my portfolio for my English class, Writing for Humanities and Arts. This class was to learn about English Composition and Rhetoric. In this class I was to develop and become more expressive through my writing. Being able to write comfortable and expand in the way we wanted while also following the topics was a step I was able to take. In this class many including myself were to discover the rhetoric in many things; for example, movies and books as well. We were to be able to expand our writing and as well discover the Rhetoric’s that we noticed in Works that were given and write about it.
To start with in the beginning of the semester the professor had stated us to grab a paper and write our goal for this class. When writing my goal for this class I just wrote specifically what exactly what I wanted to do, the expectations I had for myself and the class. My goal was to pass this class at all cost, but also enjoying the class to the fullest and not even try to be lazy. My ongoing goal was to take advantage of what the class had to offer. To listen to the class carefully and speak when necessary and also sleep enough so that my brain would work. My last goal was to be able to make a friend in class.
To know a little about my writing, I tend to shy away, creating a lot of barriers in my writing. In my writing I was sure of what I wanted to write but was also unsure on doing and how to do so since I would always hold myself back. But through this class my writing was able to show growth which is something I find very important.
The essays are my Personal Narrative, Exploratory Research Paper, and an Argumentative Essay, in which showcases my development throughout the semester. Which I hope to show that writing for yourself can be very difficult at first but with time and encouragement you will find yourself and open up in your writing. The goals for this class was something I wanted and tried my best to fulfill. Which in a way I would say have tried and accomplished some of what I set up that helped me improved as a writer.